The Tools menu is found by selecting the Gear icon Screen_Shot_2021-02-05_at_3.05.34_PM.png at the top right of the Zype Dashboard, providing quick access to key tools focused around 3 key sections:


Account Center: Tools for managing your profile and property, as well as understand the streaming and usage metrics which could impact your billing.

Video & Metadata: Tools focused on how content and metadata is brought into the Zype platform and managed.

Developer: Tools for understanding and managing the technical aspects of the Zype platform.


Within each section, you can access the following information:

  • Account Center
  • Video & Metadata
    • Video Imports: Manage videos that were not auto-added to your Library.
    • Video Sources: Edit, manage and troubleshoot the third party imports that have been connected to Zype.
    • Video Uploads: Manage your video uploads.
    • Zobject Types: Create and manage additional metadata that you can associate with your videos. 
  • Developer
    • API Keys: Find your Zype account API and App keys to create integrations.  
    • Logs: Monitor the status of your video on-demand uploads, transcodes and live event archiving processes.
    • Tools & SDK: Access various tools for managing your video content. 
    • Player Rules: Manage and set explicit requirements based on the player types used to access video content.