Your Zype account's settings allow you to customize Zype according to your specific requirements. These include the following:

To set, edit, and view your Zype account settings, follow the steps below.

  1. On the Zype Admin Dashboard, click the Tools menu at the top, then Settings.


  2. On the Settings page, there are different tabs, with the General Settings tab being the first. Here, you can view and edit your account name, domain, and the default setting for the videos that are imported and uploaded to your Video Library.

  3.  On the Monetization tab, you can view and edit your Stripe, Braintree or Recurly settings (if you are using one or more of these services) and set the default payment type for subscriptions, purchases and rentals, pass plans, and redemption codes.

    If you are using Amazon In-App Purchasing and are publishing your Amazon Fire TV app with your own developer account, you can also set your Amazon In-App Purchasing Shared Key here.

    Suppose you are using device linking in your app endpoints. In that case, you can also toggle ON your device linking settings here, thus enabling automatic device unlinking when consumers cancel their subscriptions to your plans.

  4. On the Player Settings tab, you can view and edit the settings of Zype's desktop and mobile players.

    Under the Age Gate section, you can require your viewers to enter their age before viewing your videos. You can require the same for viewers of your mature videos.

    Under the Social Sharing section, you can allow your viewers to share your videos on Facebook and Twitter, and access to your embed codes.

    Under the Google section, you can enable Google Analytics on your videos. You can enable Chromecast support for your videos as well.

    You can read more about our Chromecast support right here.

    Under the Advanced section, you will notice advanced options like setting your player version, entering in JWPlayer information, allowing mixed content in your player, enabling the "continue watching" feature, and enabling web player protection. 

    Enabling Allow Mixed Content in Player will allow both http and https URLs for the player. By default, this is disabled and set to OFF, and the player automatically converts http URLs to https. 

    Enabling Continue Watching in Player will allow the web player to automatically select another video to continuously play content.

    Enabling Web Player Referrer Protection will enforce domain-level protection on your player embeds, only allowing your embeds to render on the domains specified in the input field. You can specify more than one domain by adding comma-separated values in this section. For example, entering: "," will whitelist both domains. NOTE: Once this is enabled, any players embedded on domains not specified will fail to render properly.

  5. On the Player Branding tab, you can upload a logo to appear on your web players, so long as your content is playing through the Zype player. Player logos should have a maximum width of 48 pixels and lower than 100% opacity (suggested 50% opacity). The logo will appear in the bottom right corner of the web player.

    You can also set a URL where your users can be redirected when they click your logo, set the logo to auto-hide when player controls are hidden, and set custom player error messages and images.

  6. On the Player Messaging tab, you can set various messages that appear on your desktop and mobile players when your videos are accessed by your viewers and consumers.

  7. On the Live Slate tab, you can upload an image that will be displayed over your player before the start and at the end of a broadcast, unless you've specified a custom thumbnail for the event. You may also upload your Live Slate image in the live event creation flow. If you do not have a custom thumbnail and choose not to upload an image for the slate, Zype provides a default Off Air slate. 

  8.  On the SMTP tab, if you have your own SMTP host or server, you can enter the address, port, and login credentials here. Zype will use your SMTP server to send emails to your customers on your behalf.

  9. On the Consumer Settings tab, you can set a limit to how many concurrent logins a single consumer account can have, or you can enforce a maximum amount of active logins a single consumer account can have. These are both global settings, meaning they apply to logins from web embeds, Zype app templates, or customers using Zype's OAuth API in custom login forms. 

    With the Limit Consumer Logins feature enabled, once the consumer account exceeds the designated limit, it will expire the oldest logins first. Consumers signed in originally will be signed out of their account right away. All subsequent consumers will have access to sign in. To enable this feature, toggle Limit Consumer Logins to ON

    For a real-world example of Limit Consumer Logins, imagine the scenario where consumer Lucy would like to stream authentication-required content from her work computer and then continue viewing on her way home from her mobile device. If the limit is set to "1" then Lucy is able to log in on her work computer (first device) and stream content as an authenticated user. When Lucy leaves work and tries to log in on her phone (second device), she is able to log in and stream content as an authenticated user without issue. However, she will now automatically be signed out of her work computer, and the next time she would like to stream authentication-required content on this device, she will need to log in. 

    With the Enforce Maximum Consumer Logins feature enabled, once the consumer account reaches the designated limit, new sign-in sessions will be prevented until the consumer signs out of existing sessions. To enable, toggle Enforce Maximum Consumer Logins to ON.

    For a real-world example of Enforce Maximum Consumer Logins, imagine the above scenario where consumer Lucy would like to stream authentication-required content from her work computer and then continue viewing on her way home from her mobile device. If the limit is set to "1" then Lucy is able to log in on her work computer (first device) and stream content as an authenticated user. If Lucy tries to log in on her phone (second device), she will be unable to log in and stream content as an authenticated user until she logs out of her first device. For the scenario where Lucy no longer has access to the first device, customers can view active logins and reset the login limit on the consumer details page, accessible through the Consumers page, in the Zype Admin. 

  10. On the Upload Embed Settings tab, you can configure the settings for your embeddable upload widget. Using HTML code, this widget can be embedded on a website and allows your users to add video uploads to your Zype channel.

  11. On the Search Embed Settings tab, you can configure the settings for your embeddable search widget. Using HTML code, this widget can be embedded on a website and allows your users to search for videos on your Zype channel.