We will use the TestFlight app to test the Apple Apps. TestFlight is an app created by Apple which enable users to install non-live apps on their devices.
Step 1: Log in to your App Store Connect account.
Step 2: Navigate to your App on App Store Connect.
Step 3: Navigate to the TestFlight tab.
In the left menu, you will find the builds for iOS and/or tvOS, that we uploaded.
Step 4: Creating an Internal Testing Group.
Internal Testers are the users who have access to your Apple Developer Account. All types of users (eg. Admin, Marketing, Developer etc.) are considered internal testers.
a: To create a new Internal Testing Group, click on the "+" icon next to the Internal Testing track.
b. Give a name to the Group and check Enable Automatic Distribution, and click on Create.
c. Once a group is created, you can add Internal Testers to this group by clicking on the "+" icon.
The test builds will automatically be added to this group.
d. Once you add a tester, they will receive an email invite to add the test build in their TestFlight app. In case they do not receive any email, you can resent the email by clicking on "Resend Invite".
Step 5: Creating External Tester Group [Optional].
External Testers are users who are not a part of your Apple Development Account/Team. External testing is recommended if you have outsourced testing for your App and/or if you do not want any users added on your Apple Developer account.
a. To create a new External Testing Group, click on the "+" icon next to the External Testing track.
b. Give a name to the Group, and click on Create.
c. Once the group is created, click on the "+" icon to add testers to this group. Please make sure that you are only adding valid Apple IDs of the external testers.
d. After you have added all external testers, click the "+" icon next to the Builds option, to add a test build for these testers.
External groups does not support automatic distribution of builds Therefore, every new build has to be manually added using the "+" icon, for external testing.
e. Select the latest builds (iOS and/or tvOS) from the list and click on Add.
In the next dialog box, enter test information such as Feedback Email and Contact Information if these details have not been provided in the Test information dialog.
In the What to Test dialog, enter what you want testers to focus on.
Optionally, enter localized versions of testing information in the text fields under each language-specific section.
Optionally, select “Automatically notify testers.”
If you leave this checkbox deselected, you will have to manually distribute the build to testers after it's approved by TestFlight App Review later.
Depending on the status of the build, click either Submit Review or Start Testing.
You can only have one build of each version in review at a time. Once that build is approved, you can submit additional builds.
Please note: For external testing, Apple will review the builds first. This is not the same as final submission to the app store.
Step 6: Installing the test builds on Apple Devices.
a. Install the TestFlight app on your Apple Devices, from the App Store. Please make sure that you are logged in on your Apple devices with the same Apple ID which were added to the Internal/External testing groups.
b. Check your Email (Apple ID Email address) for a Test Invite from Apple. It will look like the below image.
c. Click on View in TestFlight. If you opened the email on your test device, clicking on View in TestFlight, will take you to the TestFlight app. Follow the on screen instructions to install the test build on your test device.
If you opened the email on your laptop, you will get a Redeemable Code. Open the TestFlight app on your Apple Device and click on Redeem Code, and follow the on screen instructions to download the Test Builds on that device.
Lear more about TestFlight testing here.