The Subscriptions page shows a list of currently-configured subscriptions, and allows for the creation and management of new and existing subscriptions:

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How to Use

All currently-configured subscriptions will be shown on this list. The platform supports multiple subscriptions being active simultaneously, a feature known as "multi-tier" subscriptions. Although the title implies the use of a hierarchy (which is the most common application of the feature), the subscriptions may also be completely disjoint from each other, in which case they are not "tiers" of content but rather simply "groups" of content. Both use cases are supported.

If a subscription is able to be purchased by consumers, a check mark will appear in the "Offered for sale" column. Subscriptions that are not offered for sale are typically for use with external consumer authorization platforms such as the Toolbox Cloud Pass implementation of TV Everywhere, where the consumer's subscription status is determined at their time of login and not via a subscription purchase made within the app.

Action buttons for associating the "Asset ID" of the external subscription, editing the subscription's properties related to sale, and the list of associated Tier IAPs are available on each subscription.

Managing Subscriptions

Tap the "+" button to add a new subscription, or the gear icon to edit an existing subscription. You will be shown the subscription settings page:

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This page allows for the configuration of the subscription's title, the "All Access" and "Offer for Sale" options (explained below), and the ability to configure which Plan objects are used for the 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, or annual subscription periods.

"All Access", Primary Tiers, and Zype CRM Integration

The entitlement system in Apps Creator is designed to support a wide range of entitlement models supported by internal systems (both the configurations used by the Zype CRM and configurations  that can be created in Apps Creator itself) along with models that are used by external entitlement systems, such as Toolbox Cloud Pass or Cleeng.

Due to the wide range of models that apps must support, which system you are using as your "system of record" for entitlements will greatly affect how you configure the entitlements used by your apps. When using the Zype CRM, the app platform's "out of the box" settings will allow you to directly consume the settings that are provided by the CRM.

NOTE: Support for Pass Plans and Redemption Codes is not yet implemented. Please contact your account manager if you require use of these features within apps.

When TVOD and SVOD settings have been configured within the Zype CRM, the associated Plans and per-object Content Pricing settings will be shown within the configuration for apps. Changes to these settings should be made in the CRM (or via the Zype APIs), and after a brief synchronization period will be reflected within apps automatically.

By default, all new Workspaces will contain a single "Primary" subscription tier that is enabled for "All Access" which means that it contains all subscription-locked content by default. Content is "subscription-locked" for a given locale if the "Subscription" toggle within the "Unlock By" settings for the locale-specific access rule record is set to ON. The tier's status as "primary" means that it will automatically be associated with all Plans, including those from the Zype CRM.

In this default configuration, all plans from the CRM can be used to unlock all subscription-locked content objects. If you wish to manage your settings from within the CRM, simply continue to use this default configuration, and all supported TVOD and SVOD settings will synchronize to the apps automatically.

NOTE: Changes to the default configuration to use monetization features that are supported by apps but not supported by the Zype CRM will result in the behavior of apps deviating from the behavior of the Zype Player, which is controlled exclusively by the Zype CRM. Care should be taken when modifying monetization settings, particularly the creation of new Plans, changes to the default primary subscription tier, the use of Pricing Tiers (which are an apps-only feature), etc. For questions about which features should not be used in order to maintain one-to-one synchronization with the CRM, schedule time with your onboarding specialist or account manager, who can help you review the extent of which features are cross-platform and which are supported within apps only.

"Offer for Sale" and Asset IDs

If a Subscription's "Offer for Sale" toggle is set to OFF, this indicates that the subscription is managed via an external entitlement system, and should not be presented within apps as a purchaseable option (a TV Everywhere integration using Toolbox Cloud Pass would utilize this setting, for example). In this case, rather than being asked to associate plans (and their own associated marketplace IDs), you will be asked to provide an "Asset ID" that is used to associate this particular subscription tier with a corresponding subscription entitlement that is provided by the external entitlement system:

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The active/inactive status of each subscription configuration can be individually controlled via the toggle provided on each subscription's row in the list. Inactive subscriptions will still exist within the system, and all associated entitlements will be honored, but they will no longer be shown in the app interfaces.

Adding Content

Content must be added to a subscription in order for the system to know what content should be unlocked when a consumer gains an entitlement to the subscription. This can be done by going to the "Access" tab of an object that you would like to be a member of the subscription:

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Tapping the "+" button will allow you to create a new "Access Rules" record that can be used to associate the content with a subscription:

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Any number of content objects (Series, Movies, Events, etc.) and/or groups of content objects (Playlists, Collections, Seasons, etc.) can be added to a subscription. When a consumer gains an entitlement to a subscription, they do not gain a permanent entitlement to the subscription's associated content objects - the entitlement belongs to the subscription itself, and only permits access to the content that is currently contained within the subscription. This means that as the content that is associated with the subscription changes, the consumer's ability to access the associated content will change as well.