The Apps Creator platform supports three primary monetization strategies: AVOD, SVOD, and TVOD. The configuration options for all three strategies are primarily grouped within the top-level "Monetization" tab.


This monetization strategy is based primarily around Video Ads.

Other features also relevant to this strategy include Sponsor Screens and Banners.


This monetization strategy is based primarily around Subscriptions.

Other features also relevant to this strategy include per-Store configurations, and Integrations with 3rd-party subscriber management and retention platforms such as Cleeng and TV Everywhere platforms such as Toolbox Cloud Pass.


This monetization strategy is based primarily around in-app Purchases, Rentals, and Pay-per-view (PPV) Events.

Other features also relevant to this strategy include Pricing Tiers, and Integrations with 3rd-party payment gateway platforms such as Cleeng.