Each time a consumer purchases, rents or redeems a redemption code for a video, pass plan or playlist, an entitlement is provided to allow the customer to access the content. These entitlements can be managed through our API documentation, or directly through the platform.
Step 1
Navigate to the Consumers page.
Step 2
You'll see several columns in the consumers table. Depending on the entitlement you want to delete (video, playlist or pass plan) click on the number below the column. In this example, we’ll delete the entitlement of a playlist:
Step 3
Once you click on the mentioned number, you’ll be redirected to a list of all the consumer entitlements.
Step 4
From here you can see information about the entitlements, such as the Video/Playlist details, transaction type, creation date, and expiration date. You can also Delete specific entitlements by selecting the trash icon at the right of each item.
Step 5
In case you need to delete all the consumer's entitlements, you can use the Delete All button.