Your consumer list is made up of both subscribers and consumers who have accounts but do not active subscriptions. 

To view and edit the records of your consumers, follow the steps below.

  1. On the Zype navigation menu, click Consumers.


  2. On the Consumerpage, you'll see all your consumer information listed by consumer email address, in the left-most column. Other columns include the number of videos, playlists, passes, subscriptions, and transactions purchased by the consumer, the last time the consumer signed into your Zype channel, how many times they've signed in, and the date the consumer record was created.

    To create a new consumer record, see Creating a Consumer.

    To use the consumer filters at the top of the page, see Using Consumer Filters.

    To search for a specific consumer, enter the consumer name on the Search box, then click Search.

    To export your consumers to a CSV file that you can then import into another program, click Export. The CSV file will then be generated on the fly, then downloaded onto your computer. You can also copy a link directly to this report, by selecting Copy URL.

    To view or edit a consumer's details, click the email address under the Email column.

    This will display the consumer's Details page, where you can change the consumer record, view all of the consumer's activities on your Zype channel, view all analytics related to the consumer, view recent logins, and view linked devices (for more information on device linking, see Managing Consumer Device Linking).

    Click the numbers under the Video, Playlists, Passes, and Subscriptions columns to view their corresponding details.

    To view all analytics related to the consumer, click the Analytics icon to the right of the consumer record.

    There are also analytics reports related to your transactions. For more information, see Total Transactions and New Transactions.

     To delete the consumer record, click the Delete button to the right of the consumer record.