Affilate Marketing Affilate Marketing

Affilate Marketing

If you are currently working with an affiliate marketing program such as First Promoter, you may want to consider leveraging Zype's affiliate marketing tools. Through your subscription settings, you can participate in and report on subscription and transaction purchases generated from such affiliate programs. You can also set an automatic redirect on subscription embeds which will help guide audiences according to your preference.

Getting Started

You can choose to leverage Zype's affiliate marketing tools in two ways:

  1. Leverage the display of a tracking pixel within the subscription or transaction embed
  2. Leverage the automatic redirect to a new webpage using dynamic replacement macros in the redirect URL within the subscription embed

Configuring the Affiliate Tracking Code Snippet

If you'd like to exercise option 1, simply copy and paste the URL from your affiliate tracking code snippet into the proper section of the Subscription Settings page. Be sure to select Save Settings when complete. This will display an invisible tracking pixel within your subscription and/or transaction embed that will return crucial information to your affiliate program.


Configuring the Automatic Redirect

If you'd like to utilize the automatic redirect from option 2, simply copy and past the desired redirect URL into the proper section of the Subscription Settings page. Notice you may also include additional macros to the redirect URL that will populate with consumer information. Some affiliate programs require these values, so be sure to check with yours to confirm which (if any) are required for your use case.

The first macro can be added to your URL string by using the following format:



All additional macros can be added to your URL string by using the following format:



Review the below table to see which macros can be dynamically populated with values filled during a subscription purchase:

Macro Dynamically Filling Value
[consumer_id] The Zype consumer ID for the consumer who just completed a purchase
[order_id] The Zype subscription ID for the consumer who just completed a purchase
[email] The email address of the consumer who just completed a purchase
[stripe_id] The Stripe ID for the consumer who just completed a purchase

The Braintree ID for the consumer who just completed a purchase


The Recurly ID for the consumer who just completed a purchase

[amount] Dollar value of the purchase that was just placed, returned in '7.99' format (no symbols)
[currency] The 3 letter currency code of the purchase that was just placed
[product_sku] The Zype subscription plan ID for subscription sign ups


Be sure to select Save Settings when complete. This will redirect consumers to the page of your choice and provide valuable information that you may share with your affiliate program.


Affiliate Marketing In Use

You can leverage both the affiliate tracking code and the automatic redirect with affiliate macros simultaneously. Alternatively, you may choose to use one or the other. You may also choose to utilize the automatic redirect without working with an affiliate program; it's all up to what works best with your business model. 

Not sure about affiliate programs? We recommend doing some research to see what's best for you and your business, but we've seen these help generate more website traffic and revenue. Keep in mind that Zype's Affiliate Tracking works with any affiliate program that supports tracking pixels or custom tracking code snippets.