The Languages page lists the languages that have been configured for use within the current Region:


How to Use

Each app is associated with a single Brand. When apps launch, they load a configuration that is generated for each "locale" within the brand. A locale is the combination of a specific Region and a specific language.

For example, a brand could have two regions configured: one named "NA" (short for "North America"), and one named ("SA" - short for "South America"). The NA region might have the English and Spanish languages enabled, and the SA region could have the Spanish and Portuguese languages enabled. In this case the system would generate four separate configurations for the brand, one for each locale (US-English, US-Spanish, LATAM-Spanish and LATAM-Portuguese).

When an app is launched, the platform will determine the current region where the device that is running the app is located, and which language is currently selected for the device's user interface. Apps are associated with a single brand, which the platform will examine and attempt to identify a matching locale. If a suitable locale can be found, the app will load it.

If there is no matching locale, the system will load the locale for the default (first listed) language for the current region. If the region cannot be determined, the app will present the end-user with an error message informing them that the application is not available in their current location.

Adding Languages

Within a given region, additional languages can be enabled by first entering the region's list of configured languages, and then tapping the "+" button. You will be shown a list of the languages that are currently supported by the system:

Languages - Add.png

If you require a language that is not currently supported, please contact your account manager.

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