Setting Up Purchase & Rental Setting Up Purchase & Rental

Setting Up Purchase & Rental

Setting up your videos for purchase and rental is done through the Purchase & Rental Settings page.

Before you can configure purchase and rental for your videos, you will need to set up a Braintree, Stripe or Recurly merchant account to collect payments.

After you have set up your purchase and rental settings for your video content, you can then set up your videos and playlists for monetization.

To Enable the Purchase and Rental Video on Demand Service


1. On the Zype navigation menu, click Transactions.


2. On the Transactions page, click Set Up Purchases & Rentals and follow the prompt to get everything set up.


3. On the Require Purchase or Rental to View Your Videos wizard, click Let’s Go!

4. Under Step 1 of the wizard, enter your basic information, including your logo, email address, and Terms of Service (TOS) URL. If you have not prepared a logo yet, you can always come back and add it later. You can also edit both the email address and the TOS URL later.

5. Click Continue to start setting up your payment process. You can select Stripe, Braintree or Recurly as your default payment type. You will need your payment processor keys to complete setup.

NOTE: Visit StripeBraintree or Recurly to find your keys. 


6. Click Continue.

7. On the next page of the wizard, enter your default rental price and duration, and default purchase price. 

8. On the next page, if you are using Stripe for payment processing, you need to set up your Activity Stream to allow basic payment information from your Stripe account to pull into Zype. You will need to configure the Webhook URL that Zype provides to your Stripe account settings. For more info about configuring the Webhook URL to your Stripe account. Once you have set up your webhook, click Continue. 

9. Review all the settings to make sure you they are correct, then click Continue.


10. You will then see a message confirming your setup of the Purchase & Rental Video on Demand service on your Zype account.

To Configure Purchase and Rental Settings

After enabling the Purchase & Rental Video on Demand service on your Zype account, you can then configure the purchase and rental settings for your video content following the steps below.

  1. On the Zype navigation menu, click Transactions.

  2. On the Transactions page, click Purchase & Rental Settings.

  3. In the bulk update tab, of the Purchase & Rental Settings page, if you have already added video content to your Zype account but haven’t set them all up for either purchase or rental, you will see a message asking if you want to either turn on purchase or rental for all your videos, or manage them manually. Click the appropriate button to turn on either purchase or rental for your videos, or manage your videos manually.

    NOTE: Selecting the I’ll Manage Them Manually option on the Purchase & Rental Settings page will open another browser window, where you will be asked to turn on all your videos for Zype’s Subscription View on Demand service, which will allow you to solicit subscription plans for your video content. For more details, see Managing Subscription Plans.

  4. In the main settings tab, enter your email address, and toggle On the Zype branding service if you want to display a Zype logo at the bottom of your subscription embeds.

  5. In the main settings tab, enter a default purchase and/or rental price, the default rental duration (in number of days), and your affiliate tracking code URL.

  6. (OPTIONAL) In the main settings tab, upload a logo for your subscription service, and the URL where your terms of service can be found.

  7. Click Save Settings

To Set Up Videos for Monetization

You can also set up individual videos for monetization on the video’s Monetization page.

To set up your videos for monetization, follow the steps below.

  1. On the Zype navigation menu, click Library.

  2. On the Video Library, search for or select the video to be monetized, then click the Edit button to the right.

  3. On the Edit Video page, click the Monetization tab.

  4. Toggle On either the Require Purchase or Require Rental button. You may toggle both buttons On at the same time, meaning that the video can either be purchased or rented.

  5. By default, the video inherits the same Purchase & Rental Video on Demand service settings (default purchase price, and default rental price and duration) on your Zype account (see To Enable the Purchase and Rental Video on Demand Service). You may edit these settings as needed.

  6. Click Save Monetization Settings.

    NOTE: Aside from purchase or rental, you may also choose from other available  monetization options for your video content.