Unlocking a Google Ad Manager Profile and Generating Feeds Unlocking a Google Ad Manager Profile and Generating Feeds

Unlocking a Google Ad Manager Profile and Generating Feeds

This article provides an overview on how to unlock your Google Ad Manager MRSS feed, which provides access to feeds that have been optimized for delivery to Google Ad Manager. 


With a Google Ad Manager feed you can:

  • Generate a feed to deliver videos and metadata to your Google Ad Manager account including video IDs, video durations, ad timings, and more.
  • Use the ad timings, duration, and video metadata to create VMAP schedules from your Google Ad Manager account.

Setting up a new Google Ad Manager MRSS profile

To begin delivering content to Google Ad Manager from Zype, you must first set up a new Google Ad Manager MRSS profile.


Step 1 - Navigate to Feeds > Feeds Marketplace tab > Google Ad Manager.

Step 2 - Follow the steps on the Google Ad Manager unlock flow to create your MRSS profile in Zype.


Step 3 - Once unlocked, you'll now have a Google Ad Manager API key that will allow you to distribute content to Google Ad Manager via MRSS feeds. This key will automatically be added to your Google Ad Manager MRSS feeds when generating them.


I’ve unlocked my profile, how do I generate feeds? 

Once you’ve unlocked your profile, you will be able to create the following types of feed:

  • Playlist feeds
  • Category feeds
  • Source feeds

Step 1 - Navigate to Create an MRSS feed for Google Ad Manager, or simply access the Google Manager Ad section on your existing Video Apps. 


Step 2 - Select the type of content you'd like to generate your MRSS feed from. You can choose playlists, categories, or video sources.


Playlists will include content from any child playlists, if applicable. Once you select your content source, click on the 'Generate Feed' button to create the MRSS feed and get access to the feed's URL.

Step 3 - Once you've generated your feed, simply copy the feed URL to clipboard and you're ready to go!


Make sure you double-check the feed contents to ensure this reflects the video content you'd like to deliver to Google Ad Manager.

Note: If you are using Google Ad Manager for your ads, and implementing either IMA SDK or Google Analytics on an iOS app, Apple might require further details regarding your app’s privacy information. The following articles can guide you through the process of answering these questions.