Managing custom attributes on videos for key value pairing Managing custom attributes on videos for key value pairing

Managing custom attributes on videos for key value pairing

You can add custom metadata attributes to your videos to use for key value pairing with external services like ad servers.

These custom attributes allow you to assign a series of Names and Values to a video object. Each Name acts as a key, which contains a set of values that can be reported back to your ad server.

When to use custom attributes

One good use case is if you are running multiple ad campaigns with unique creatives with an ad server, and want to specify which campaign should be matched to certain videos in your library. You can expose the key value pair metadata from videos to your ad server, and in turn make sure the correct ad campaign plays back when it's time to serve an ad.

For example, let's say you're running an ad campaign with Nike with three different ad creatives targeting Tennis, Basketball, and Football content.

In your ad server, you would map a key value pair to look for the campaign name "Nike" as the key, and associate each creative campaign to the values of "tennis," "basketball," and "football."

On videos in your library where you want to show tennis related ads, you would add a key value pair where the Name = "Nike" and the Value = "Tennis"; you would likewise do the same for videos where you want to show Basketball and Football related ads.

In your ad tag URL you can use the [custom_attributes] ad macro to dynamically send the custom attribute values to your ad server during the ad request for a particular video. Your ad server would notice that an ad request for a video included the "Nike" --> "Tennis" campaign, and would then return an ad creative for the Tennis campaign for that ad fill!

How to manage custom attributes

Adding and updating custom attributes to a video is a simple process. First, visit the video details page for any video you wish to update with custom attributes.

Scroll down to the section labeled 'Custom attributes.'


You'll see a form field with options for entering a Name and Value. Each set of custom attributes must contain both a Name and at least one Value. If needed, you may enter multiple Values for a single key as a comma separated list.

You can also add multiple sets of custom attributes to a video. If adding more than one set of custom attributes, make sure each Name is unique within a single video; however, you may repeat Values as often as you'd like. 


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