Apps Creator allows you to add custom scripts to the header or footer on your Web app. For instance, you may want to add Facebook Pixel to track visitor activity on your Web app which can be extremely useful if you are looking to measure the effectiveness of your ads, to define custom audiences for ad targeting, for dynamic ads campaigns, and to analyse the effectiveness of your website's conversion funnels.
How to add the scripts?
Step 1: Login to your Apps Creator Dashboard and navigate to Manage >> Platforms.
Step 2: Scroll down the list and click on Edit button (Pencil Icon) next to the Web Platform item to open the Web Platform setup form.
Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the Web Platform setup form and add you custom scripts to the Header and Footer textfields. The form will auto save.
Once you add the Scripts, the app feed will be refreshed automatically. Depending on the size of your web app the feed refresh might take anywhere from 10-30 mins. After the feed refresh the scripts will be added to all the pages of your Web app.
Important Note:
Custom scripts will only be injected on custom domains. You will not see the scripts on web app pages that are accessed through our domain for example,
Therefore, it's required to use customer scripts with a custom domain for your web app. This is a security feature. You can learn more about adding a custom domain for your web app here.