The VIZIO page (under Manage > Platforms) shows the configuration options for VIZIO Smart TVs:

Platforms - Vizio.png

How to Use

The configuration options available on this page can be somewhat technical in nature, and are explained in more detail below and during account onboarding. Questions about individual fields can be directed to your onboarding specialist or at

Note on Universal Search Feed Images

VIZIO requires that all apps include an image in the 2:3 (poster) ratio that can be used for “universal search” purposes. If a compliant image is available it will be used, but if no such image has been provided within the metadata then the platform will generate a compliant image automatically.  The image will use the default landscape thumbnail in the upper portion of the poster image, and the media's title rendered as text in the lower portion of the image. This ensures that customer apps are compliant with VIZIO specifications.

General Information

This tab includes the general information about your VIZIO app. We will use this info to fill in all the details on VIZIO Developer Portal, during app submission.

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App Icon: App icon for your app. This needs to be a 1:1 aspect ratio true SVG file. A SVG file with embedded images is not considered a true SVG files. Therefore, please make sure that the logo is designed as SVG. Please do not convert PNG or JPEG files to SVG as they will not create a true SVG file.

Hero Carousal: This image will be used to promote your app in VIZIO SmartCast. This image needs to be of 1560x390 px size and in JPEG format.


Vizio search feed and App Details

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App title: This will be the name of your app on the VIZIO App Store.

Description: Use this text to let the user know about your app even before they download it. This will be displayed on your App Store listing.

Source Name: This is an internal facing name for your source. This is pre-populated and should not be changed.

Source Key: This is a Unique Identifier for your app, generated by VIZIO. You will need to contact your VIZIO representative to get this ID for your app. We can also get this ID from the VIZIO team during App submission. Therefore, if you do not have this ID already, this field can be left blank.

Available Image: You can use your App icon or company logo for this image. Allowed size is Width: 1500 px and Height: 1000 px. The image should be a PNG image with rounded corners.


Brand Image: This is the image of your Brand. This needs to be a 1:1 Aspect ratio PNG image, without any transparency/alpha channel. We recommend a size of 1024x1024 px. We recommend to use your brand logo for this image.


Main Image: This needs to be a 1:1 Aspect ratio PNG image, without any transparency/alpha channel. We recommend a size of 1024x1024 px. This can be same as your brand image.

9 (1).png

Default Poster Image: For all the video items in your app's content feed, a poster image is mandatory. We will automatically create a poster image for your content if a thumbnail is available. In case, the thumbnail is not available, we will use this image as a poster image for that video.

This needs to be a 2:3 aspect ration PNG or JPEG image. Allowed size is Width: 900 px and Height: 1350 px. You can use your App logo for this with a solid background.


Payment Gateway

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If you have enabled the subscriptions or locked the feed items by In-App purchases in your app, then you need to select the payment gateway provider from the dropdown.

After selecting, you need to make sure the integration is set up.

Important Note: VIZIO as a payment gateway is currently an under development feature.


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Vizio Google Analytics Tracking ID: Please refer to this article to get a UA ID for your app from Google Analytics. (you may use an existing UA ID)

Brand details

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Brand ID: This is an internal ID for your Brand. This field is pre-populated. Please do not change this field. This needs to be in small letters and without any spaces.

Brand Name Locale: This is the Locale for your Brand Name. This field is pre-populated. Please do not change this field.

Brand Name Text: This is the Brand Name for your App. This field is pre-populated using the Brand name from the MAZ Dashboard. We recommend to keep it same as your App Name.

Brand Description Locale: This is the Locale for your Brand Description. This field is pre-populated. Please do not change this field.

Brand Description Text: This is the description text for your Brand. You can keep it same as your App's Short Description.

App details

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App ID: This is an internal ID for your App. This field is pre-populated. Please do not change this field. This needs to be in small letters and without any spaces.

Brand Ids: This needs to be same as your App ID. This is pre-populated. Please do not change this field.

Template ID, Version, Usage Priority: These fields are pre-populated and needs to have a value of 1. Please do not change these fields.

Price Model: This is the pricing model for your app. This field is pre-defined by VIZIO and any one of the values should be chosen from the drop down menu.

Content Rating

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Rating: This is the Content Rating for your App.

Rating Body: This is Rating Body, whose Rating you are using.

List of allowed ratings: MPAA, US TV, GermanyFsk, Viewster, UkBfc, Chvrs, AustraliaCb, AlbertaFcb, Andt, BcFoo, Cpr, MaritimeFcb, BrazilDjctq, ManitobaFcb, SaskatchewanFvcb, QuebecRc, OntarioFrb, FinlandMk, Dove.

Is Explicit: Use this flag to determine if the chosen rating is certified by the Rating Body. Check this box, if the chosen rating is not certified by the Rating Body.

You can use the +New button to add additional Content Ratings from different Rating Bodies.


Congratulations! You have successfully configured your Vizio app. If all the above steps are completed, we are ready to submit your Vizio app.

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