Any Content object, including grouping objects such as Collections, Sections, and Playlists have multiple associated information which is known as "Metadata". This Metadata has been categorized in multiple sections on Dashboard for each of these items as attached:
Viewing & Editing Metadata
Metadata is Localized, which means that it can (optionally) be assigned to a specific Region and/or language. To control these settings or to view the metadata itself, tap the row of a given metadata record within the list of all records that are attached to the current object:
Adding Metadata Records
Tap on the plus sign within the Metadata dialogue of a Library media object:
Deleting Metadata Records
Click on the trash can icon next to the record (sometimes you may have to scroll slightly to the right of the page)
Metadata Fields
Common metadata fields include Title, Description, Keywords, etc.
The metadata fields vary depending upon the specific type of object that the metadata belongs to. Some types allow for direct editing of specific fields, whereas other records are not editable (such as the base metadata record for a Playlist or Media object from the CMS):
Extended Metadata
Some metadata records include extended metadata that's in the form of a JSON data structure. This is an advanced feature, and this field should not be edited without first discussing your requirements with your onboarding specialist:
Some metadata records include the ability to control the appearance of the "interstitial" screen (content details screen):
Metadata records for content objects will provide the ability to configure the Layout and other settings that control how the object is displayed to Consumers:
Separate settings sections are provided for "TV Design" (which is also used for the desktop web app), and "Mobile Design" (which is used for mobile apps only - the mobile web app provides a limited layout system that is not configurable at this time):
Each metadata record includes three configuration sections for thumbnails; one section for thumbnails with a "landscape" aspect ratio, one with a "portrait" aspect ratio, and one with a "square" aspect ratio:
These thumbnails are taken directly from the CMS, and can be uploaded from within the Apps Creator dashboard.
Note: the VIZIO platform requires a 2:3 ratio (portrait) thumbnail for use in their universal search mechanism. For more details on this requirement, see the VIZIO Apps article.
This metadata decides Advertising and banner related preference for content.
See the Video Ads documentation for more information.
Interstitial Setting
This metadata decides whether to show an interstitial screen for content or not.