Unlocking a Xumo Profile and Generating Feeds Unlocking a Xumo Profile and Generating Feeds

Unlocking a Xumo Profile and Generating Feeds

This article provides an overview on how to unlock your Xumo profile in Zype and generating MRSS feeds for distributing content to Xumo. Before proceeding, please make sure you've contacted Xumo about distributing content through their applications, as Xumo is a curated playthrough endpoint. You can learn more about Xumo in our overview article.

Unlocking your Xumo profile

To begin distributing content to Xumo from Zype, you must first unlock your Xumo profile.

Step 1 - Visit our Feeds page, go to the Feeds Marketplace tab, and locate the Xumo endpoint

Xumo 1.png


Step 2 - Follow the steps on the Xumo unlock flow to create your Xumo profile in Zype

xumo 2.png

Step 3 - Once unlocked, you'll now have a Xumo-specific API key that will allow you to distribute content to Xumo via MRSS feeds. This key will automatically be added to your Xumo MRSS feeds when generating feeds.


I've unlocked my profile, how do I generate feeds for Xumo?

Awesome! To generate feeds you can use the following process:

Step 1 - Visit your 'Create a Xumo feed' page (immediately following the unlock success step

xumo 1a.png

Step 2 - Select the type of content you'd like to generate your MRSS feed from. You can choose playlists, categories, or video sources.

Playlists will include content from any child playlists, if applicable. Once you select your content source, click on the 'Generate Feed' button to create the MRSS feed and get access to the feed's URL.

If you need episodic metadata included in your feed, your videos will need the following metadata added:

  • Episode Number
  • Season Number
  • Series ID


Step 3 - Once you've generated your feed, simply copy the feed URL to the clipboard and you're ready to go!

Make sure you double-check the feed contents to ensure this reflects the video content you'd like to deliver to Xumo. Then please send the feed URL to your account contact at Xumo to complete QA and delivery.

xumo 3a.png

Can I customize the feed once generated? 

Yes! You are able to customize the Xumo MRSS feeds by adding parameters to the feed URL that is generated in the Zype platform. Here are some example parameters that can be added to the MRSS feed URL along with an explanation of what they do:


per_page= Determines the number of <items> returned per page. If unspecified the default is 10 video <items> per page. Any integer between 10 - 500
page= Determines which page of the MRSS feed is being viewed when results have been paginated. If unspecified the default page shown is page 1

Any integer between 1 - unlimited.


What happens if I'm using another integration that requires ad timings, but I don't want to distribute ads to Xumo? 


Xumo feed is built in a way where it'll automatically add each video object ad timing configuration, as part of the <xumo:cuePoint> metadata. This will automatically trigger an ad request on the Xumo end at each cue point. 

If you're currently using an advanced integration that requires the ad timing setting (for example, TripleLift) but you won't like to distribute the ads to the Xumo end, our feed generator has an option to "Disable Xumo Ads" upon feed creation, which will remove the <xumo:cuePoint> data from the feed entirely, and it'll allow you to use both features at the same time. 


This option will only be available across the feed generator tool if there are some of the advanced integrations also enabled within the same account. 


xumo 4a.png