For content to be programmed as a series in episodic order, XUMO requires an 'umbrella' series item containing a unique series ID, title, description, thumbnail, and keywords.
To add these items to your XUMO feed, follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Add required metadata to each video in the series
Each video in the series must have the following
- Episode Number,
- Season Number
- Series ID (this will be used to map to the series guid)
Step 2: Create the Zobject type
In your Zype account, click the settings gear in the top right corner. Select Zobject Types from the menu. On the Zobjects Type page, click "New Zobject Type" in the top right corner.
Fill out the Zobject Details with the following information:
- Title: xumo_series
You need to create two custom attributes for your Top Playlist Zobject:
GUID: This maps the series to your videos, so you must use the series ID you used in your video. For example, if you set your videos series IDs to "Series1" the guid for that series must be "Series1"
- Name: guid
- Type: String
- Show List: Visible
PubDate: The date the series was published. If you don't know the exact date, that is ok.
- Name: pubdate
- Type: date
- Show List: Visible
Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. Here is what the completed Zobject should look like:
Step 3: Create the XUMO Series Object for each Series/Season
Now that the zobject type exists, you need to create a Xumo Series object for each series. Select Xumo Series from the Content & Metadata Section on the left menu, and click on Add New XUMO Series and enter the Series details.
You can have one item for each series, or one item for each season of a series. If you use individual items for seasons the guids must be unique for each season.
The guid must match the Series ID value set in each video on step one, also all assets must always include at least one keyword. Assets that are not tagged with at least one keyword will not be ingested by XUMO.
Step 4: Upload a thumbnail image
When creating your Zobject, remember to include the image for your series.
To add an image to a series zobject, click the Images tab in the zobject.
Click the +Add Image button and choose the image file, then click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. You will see the image preview when an image is added successfully.
The thumbnail image should be in the following format:
- 1920 x 1080, JPG
The feed will use the first image uploaded under the zobject. If you want to replace the image, delete the old one, and upload your new image.
Repeat Steps 3-4 to add additional series.