Stream Hours by Video Stream Hours by Video

Stream Hours by Video

Accessing the Stream Hours by Video report will allow you to view which videos have the highest or lowest stream hours, to help you better manage your content and serve your audience.

Once you've selected the Stream Hours by Video section on the Streaming tab of the Analytics page, you'll open up the Summary of the report. Your report will show metrics from the last 30 rolling days, but you can adjust the date range at the top of the page according to your needs and selecting Refresh to pull in the updated data. 

Below the Summary section, you can see a full list of metrics in columns titled Video Title, Stream Hours, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, and Impressions. You can select column headers to sort the results in ascending or descending order by video title, by stream hours total, by stream time in hours, minutes, or seconds, or by impressions. Note, in the below example we are in the Summary time interval view as selected in the top right:

Switching to the Daily time interval view of your Stream Hours by Video report will allow you to see Date as well, giving you the ability to see stream hours by video by day. Simply select the Daily option in the time interval dropdown in the top right hand corner and select Refresh

Export reports for easy sharing and evaluation using the Export button at top right, next to your date range and Refresh button.

Within a report View, selecting an individual video title will bring you to the analytics page for that particular video. You can also access this page from the Library view by selecting the analytics icon to the right of the video title. 

For a live event, once it is archived you will see the stream hours for the event as Video on Demand hours. Before it is archived, or if you choose not to archive, you can view the stream hours by looking for the red LIVE icon to the right of each live event title.