Redemption codes provide one-time use codes for your audience to unlock access to your entire video library, specific playlists, or individual titles.
Zype allows you to generate up to 10,000 redemption codes directly through the platform or upload codes created from outside the Zype platform into your account through our CSV upload tool.
How to Generate Redemption Codes
1. To generate Redemption Codes, head to the Redemption Codes page in the side navigation menu.
2. From the Redemption Codes page, click Add New Codes.
3. If you would like Zype to auto generate codes for you, select Generate Codes on the Add New Codes page. You may also choose to upload a CSV of existing codes by selecting Upload Codes.
4. From the Create New Redemption Codes page, enter the number of codes that you would like to create. You can generate as many as 10,000 codes at any one time.
The "Redeem by" date is the end-date that consumers can use this code for gaining access to content. Beyond this date, consumers attempting to use this code for the first time to access content will be denied. This date does not signify the expiration of access to a subscription.
Select the content type to which the redemption codes can be applied (i.e. video purchase, subscription plan, etc.) If a consumer uses a redemption code to subscribe to your video content, the consumer will have access to the subscription until it is cancelled manually.
Enter at least three characters in the Content search box to look for a specific piece of content based on the content that you selected above.
Once you've entered the above information, click Create to begin generating the codes in the background. It should take a few minutes for them to appear on the Redemption Codes page.