Zype will host a video source for the data for each third-party video import. If there is ever an issue with your content from a third-party source, you will want to troubleshoot by checking the third-party source first.
You can edit video sources depending on your library needs. To manage your video sources, follow the steps below.
On the Zype Admin Dashboard, click the Tools menu at the top, then Video Sources.
On the Video Sources page, you can see a list of the video sources you can add to your Zype account. All your configured video sources can also be seen on a table below. Information about the video source displayed on the table include its Sync status (Yes or No), the date the video source was last refreshed, and the date the video source was created.
To create a video source from the Import & Upload page, click the icon of the video source on the list. For more information on creating and setting up your video sources, see Video Import and Upload.
To know more about a created video source, click its name on the list.
You will then be taken to the video source's Details page. You may then edit the details of the video source if you want.
To edit the video source's details, click the Edit button to its right.
To refresh the video source and run its sync process, click the Refresh button.
To delete the video source, click the Delete button.