Apps Creator populates your Google Analytics 4 account with a variety of informative user engagement data about how users are interacting with your app.
Apps Creator sends several data points, called Events, to Google Analytics 4, including events related to content consumption, transactions/purchases made by the users(subscriptions or individual in-app purchases), some other events related to some specific features in the app, and events specific to Apple devices. It's also important to note that events sent to Google Analytics may omit special characters like #,+,%, etc. Below, find the full list of data points that Apps Creator sends to Google Analytics 4 for user engagement in your app:
Custom Events
These are the custom events that are sent to the GA4 by Apps Creator Apps.
- Video Play (unlocked) - Event logged when a user watches and closes a video that is either free or has been unlocked. This is the cumulative total of all (unlocked) video plays in the app including Autoplay and Simulated Live feed's component videos.
- Video Play (locked) - Event logged when a preview is played in the app. This is the cumulative total of all the previews played including Autoplay and Simulated Live feed's component videos preview.
- Video Played (25%, 50%, 75%) - When a user watches greater than X% of a video. Please note that these events are inclusive of each other (i.e. if a user watches 60% video, events for 25%, and 50% are logged).
- Total Watched Time (in seconds) -The Event Value will represent how many seconds a user watched a specific video.
- Video Played to Completion - When a user watches a video in its entirety.
- Video Autoplay - When a user watches a video till the end and allows the next video to begin playing automatically (applies to Simulated Live feed's component videos as well).
- Video Play (search) - When a user plays a video directly from the app Search results.
- Video Play (saved) - When a user plays a video from his/her Saved items.
- Live Play - When a user exits a playing Livestream feed.
- Content URL/ID - The unique content URL or ID of the video. Please note that you must have the custom dimension ContentURL added under your Property Settings.
User Transaction Events
- Single Purchase - CTA - When a user purchases a locked feed of content.
- Restore Purchases - Settings - When a user restores his/her app store purchases from the settings menu of the app.
- Restore Purchases - Sub Section - When a user restores his/her app store purchases from the Subscription section of the app.
- Authenticated Access - When a user successfully authenticates his/her third-party subscription/membership inside of the app.
- Authenticated Access Failure - When a user unsuccessfully attempts to authenticate his/her third-party subscription/membership in the app.
- Authenticated Access Log Out - When a user logs out of his/her third-party subscription.
- Sub Purchase - Sub Window - When a user purchases an in-app subscription from the overlay style (modal) subscription window.
- Sub Purchase - Sub Section - When a user purchases an in-app subscription from the Subscription section of the app.
- Register - When a user registers for a new save/sync account inside of the app using an email address.
- Log In - When a user logs into their app account.
- Log Out - When a user logs out of their app account.
- Banner View - When a user first sees a banner in a given section. This event only fires once for each banner while in the section, however, if a user leaves the section and then returns, a new Banner View event will fire.
- Banner Action - When a user taps on a banner and activates a deeplink or web URL applied on the banner.
Ad events
- Video Ad Play - When a video ad impression is registered.
- Video Ad Skip - When a user skips a video ad (mobile only).
- Video_Ad_Complete - When a video ad is completed.
- Video_Ad_Start - When a video ad starts playing.
- Sponsor Screen View - When a Sponsor Screen is displayed during the app launch.
- Sponsor Screen Action - When a user taps on a Sponsor Screen link.
- Download - When a user downloads content to his/her device.
- Delete Download - When a user deletes a downloaded item from their device(not applicable when deleting from app settings menu).
- Autodownload -When toggle auto cache from settings in mobile.
- Search Query - When a user taps on a search result (will display the exact search term used).
- Search - When a user utilizes the in-app search function.
- Save - When a user saves an item to his/her Saved section.
- Archive from Saved/Queue - When a user removes an item from his/her Saved section.
- Notification Open - When a user opens the app directly from a push notification.
- Notification Save - When a user Saves deeplinked content directly from a push notification.
- Notification Share - When a user Shares deeplinked content directly from a push notification.
Apple Specific Events/iOS Features
- Widget Open - When a user opens a piece of content from your iOS Widget feed.
AppTrackingTransparency - Alert Presented - When the App Tracking Transparency permission pop-up is shown to the user.
AppTrackingTransparency - Opted In - When a user allows tracking.
AppTrackingTransparency - Opted Out - When a user does not allows tracking.
Additional Events
- App_Launched - When the app is launched on a device. The “App_Launched” event is triggered only when the app is freshly launched. If the app is resumed from the background, this event won’t be triggered.
- Tap_CTA - Clicking on Onboarding screen CTA button.
- Delete_Cache - Clear offline cache click from settings.
- Cancel - When clicking cancel in login/subscription screen.
Default Events
In addition to the events that are sent to GA4 by the apps, GA4 SDK collects additional data. Please note that we have no control over this data flow as this data is automatically collected by the Google.
- screen_view - when a screen transition occurs between screens, analytics records a screen_view event that identifies the new screen. This event is also triggered when the user plays different videos in the app.
- session_start - when a user engages the app or website.
- page_view - each time the page loads or the browser history state is changed by the active site.
- first_visit - the first time a user visits a website or launches an Android instant app with Analytics enabled.
- user_engagement - when the app is in the foreground or webpage is in focus for at least one second.
- scroll -the first time a user reaches the bottom of each page (i.e., when a 90% vertical depth becomes visible).
- click -each time a user clicks a link that leads away from the current domain.
- first_open - the first time a user launches an app after installing or re-installing it.
- notification_receive - when a notification sent by FCM is received by a device when the app is in the background (Android only).
- form_start - the first time a user interacts with a form in a session.
- notification_dismiss - when a user dismisses a notification sent by Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
- app_update - when the app is updated to a new version and launched again.
- os_update -when the device operating system is updated to a new version.
- video_progress - when the video progresses past 10%, 25%, 50%, and 75% duration time.
- app_remove - when an application package is removed (uninstalled) from an Android device.
- notification_open - when a user opens a notification sent by FCM.
- app_clear_data - when the user resets/clears the app data, removing all settings and sign-in data (Android only).
- video_start - when the video starts playing.
- form_submit - when the user submits a form.
- video_complete - when the video ends.
- notification_foreground - when a notification sent by FCM is received while the app is in the foreground.
- view_search_results - each time a user performs a site search, indicated by the presence of a URL query parameter.
- app_exception - when the app crashes or throws an exception.
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Articles in this section
- GA4 Explorations
- Profile ID API Endpoint
- Introduction to GA4
- Enabling GA4 for your Apps
- Create a Firebase Account
- Register your iOS app on Firebase
- Register your Android Apps on Firebase
- Registering your Apple TV, Roku, CTV and Web App on Firebase
- How to Add Custom Definitions in your GA4 Property
- All app data tracked in Google Analytics 4