Step 1: Open your Firebase Project.
Step 2: Click on the Android icon to add an Android app to your project.
Step 3: Enter your Android App's Package Name. This can be found under the Android Platform Setup form in the Apps Creator Dashboard.
Step 4: Add a nickname for your app. It is recommended to your your App name here. Skip adding the SHA1 Fingerprint. Now click on the Register app.
Step 5: In the next step, Download the Google-Services.json file and keep it safe, you will need to add this file to the Apps Creator Dashboard later.
Step 6: Skip the next step by clicking on "Next".
Step 7: In the last step, click on "Continue to Console" to go back to the Firebase Project.
Step 8: Creating a Service Account Key JSON for Push Notification
If you've already created a Push Notification Service Account Key JSON while registering your iOS app on Firebase, there's no need to create a new one. Simply skip this step and proceed to Step 9 to upload the JSON file you previously created.
Click on the Cog Wheel icon, on your Project Dashboard page and open your Project Settings.
Navigate to the Cloud Messaging tab in Project Settings.
In the Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1) section, click on Manage Service Accounts. This will take you directly to the Service Accounts page in the Google Cloud Console.
Locate the service account email with the description ‘Firebase Admin SDK Service Agent’. This is the one you need.
• Under the Actions column, click on the three dots and select Manage Keys.
• Choose ADD KEY, then select Create New Key.
• Ensure the key type is set to JSON, and click CREATE.
• You will receive a prompt confirming that the private key has been saved to your computer. Store this file securely, as it will be required later for the Apps Creator Dashboard.
Step 9: Upload the Service Account Key and save the Google-Services.json to the Apps Creator Dashboard
Login to your Apps Creator Dashboard and navigate to Manage >> Platforms >> Google Play. Scroll down to the Developer Access settings. Ensure that the Newer Firebase Version is enabled.
Upload your Firebase Service Account Key JSON file in this section. Next, open the Google-Services.json file, then copy and paste its content into the Firebase service JSON text box. Before pasting, ensure you remove the existing {} curly braces from the text box. The Firebase API key field can remain unchanged, as it is no longer required. The form will auto-save your changes.
Congratulations! You have successfully configured your Android apps on Firebase.
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Articles in this section
- GA4 Explorations
- Profile ID API Endpoint
- Introduction to GA4
- Enabling GA4 for your Apps
- Create a Firebase Account
- Register your iOS app on Firebase
- Register your Android Apps on Firebase
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