Using the Subscription Short Code Using the Subscription Short Code

Using the Subscription Short Code

The Subscription Short Code can be added to any page or post on your WordPress website to provide a dedicated account creation and subscription plan sign up flow for your visitors. The Subscription Short Code will first prompt a user to create an account, then select and purchase a plan, and then redirect the user to any page of your choosing.

If you'd like to configure the subscription short code, you'll first want to complete a few items:

Step 1 - Adjust Subscription Short Code settings

  • Subscription Short Code Button Text
    • Use the text you would like to display on the 'Subscribe' button that's added to your webpage using the subscription short code. The default text is "SIGN UP" however you can add any text you would like up to limit of 25 characters.
  • Subscription Purchase Redirect URL Slug
    • You can set the URL that a user will be redirected to following successful purchase of their subscription plan. This URL can be added as a URL slug. If no URL is set, the default will be to reload the current page.
  • Post Subscription Button Text
    • After successfully subscribing, the button will be updated so users are sent to your /profile page. Use the text you would like to display on the button AFTER a consumer successfully completes a subscription. This text will replace the initial "Subscribe Short Code Button Text" upon successful subscription purchase. The default text is "MY ACCOUNT" however you can add any text up to a limit of 25 characters.
  • Select Save Changes to ensure all your settings are saved

Step 2 - Add the Subscription Short Code to your WordPress pages, posts, or navigation

Copy the shortcode shown in the plugin and paste it onto any page or post on your WordPress website. It will add a button to that page that allows your users to go through the subscription sign up flow.

Once you've copied the shortcode [subscribe] and pasted it onto your desired page or posted on your WordPress website, the short code button will be added to that page. This example shows the Subscription Short Code Button Text reading SIGN UP NOW:




Once the shortcode button is clicked,  the subscription flow is initiated, beginning with Sign In or Sign Up:


If a viewer selects the Sign In flow with an account entitled to subscription content already, a message will appear indicating that the user is already subscribed. Let's Start Watching will direct the viewer to whatever is set as the Subscription Purchase Redirect URL Slug:


If a viewer selects the Sign-Up flow, the Create my login screen will appear prompting a name, email, and password for the new account



The viewer will then select a subscription plan. All subscription plans that have been activated in the plugin will appear as options:



The viewer enters payment information. The prompt to enter billing information will appear to complete the purchase:


Once the subscription purchase is complete, a success message will appear confirming payment, and the content will be unlocked.

The Let's Start Watching button appearing below the confirmation message will direct to wherever you have chosen for the Subscription Purchase Redirect URL Slug



Once the users have successfully created an account and subscribed, the Subscribe Short Code Button Text will  read whatever you have chosen for the Post Subscription Button Text (e.g. MY PROFILE):

