MRSS Distribution Overview MRSS Distribution Overview

MRSS Distribution Overview


Zype auto-generates MRSS (media RSS) feeds based on content in your video library. Using Zype's MRSS feed service, you can generate feeds that include your entire video library, or you can also create custom feeds based on categories, sources, and other dimensions.

Create and Assign Categories to Your Content

To get the most out of your MRSS feeds in Zype, you may want to create and assign categories to videos in your library. This will allow you to curate MRSS feeds with specific content for publishing and syndication.

Accessing MRSS Feeds in Zype

Once you have imported or uploaded content and curated it into categories, you can access the auto-generated MRSS feeds within your account.

To access the MRSS feeds of your video content, click Feeds on the Zype dashboard.


On the Feeds page, the MRSS feeds from your video library based on either top-level library filters, or by categories and category values are displayed. Click a link to access each MRSS feed.

Top-level library MRSS feed filters include video status feeds such as Active videos, Inactive videos, or All videos, as well as Video Provider feeds such as Zype hosted, YouTube, Vimeo PRO, or whichever import method you have used. Each of these Feed links will generate an MRSS feed containing only videos filtered based on your selection.

Category feeds allow you to access all videos organized within each top-level parent category, as well as those filtered by individual category values.

Customizing MRSS Feeds

You can customize Zype's MRSS feeds by adding parameters to the feed URL that is generated in the Zype platform. Here are some example parameters that can be added to the MRSS feed URL along with an explanation of what they do:

MRSS URL Parameter What does this do? Sample values
playlist_id.exclusive= Filters the MRSS feed by videos within a single playlist. Will only return videos belonging to that playlist. A string matching a playlist ID in your Zype account. For example: '59834d10e7b34c13e201171a' minus the quotes
playlist_id.inclusive= Filters the MRSS feed by videos within a playlist plus any child playlists nested under it. A string matching a playlist ID in your Zype account. For example: '59834d10e7b34c13e201171a' minus the quotes
per_page= Determines the number of <items> returned per page. If unspecified the default is 10 video <items> per page. Any integer between 10 - 500
page= Determines which page of the MRSS feed is being viewed when results have been paginated. If unspecified the default page shown is page 1 Any integer between 1 - unlimited.
rendition_type= Only works with Zype hosted videos. Determines which video rendition type is returned in the MRSS feed as the media content URL, if available for each video in the feed. If a video does not support that rendition type, all content URLs are returned for that video. Any single value from: (mp4|hls|mp3|m4a)
(exclusively return a single rendition type)
Only works with Zype hosted videos. Determines which video rendition type is returned in the MRSS feed as the media content URL, if available for each video in the feed. If a video does not match the selected rendition type, it will be skipped in the MRSS feed. Any single value from: (mp4|hls|mp3|m4a).exclusive
rendition_height= If a video has the preferred rendition height, then this rendition will be the only content URL returned. If a video does not have the preferred rendition height, all content urls are returned.

Any single value matching the following syntax: (.gt|.gte|.lt|.lte)=(height)

Where gt = greater than, gte = greater than or equal to, lt = less than, and lte = less than or equal to


(exclusively return a single rendition height)

Only works with Zype hosted videos. Returns only videos that match the selected rendition height in the MRSS feed, if available. If a video does not match the selected rendition height, it will be skipped in the MRSS feed.

Any single value matching the following syntax: (.gt|.gte|.lt|.lte)=(height).exclusive

Where gt = greater than, gte = greater than or equal to, lt = less than, and lte = less than or equal to


Determines the item to sort the videos (eg. Title, duration, publication date, etc).

Allows to use order= parameter



In Combination with order=: sort=X&order=X


Works when using sort= parameter

can be asc or desc (order=asc)


Returns custom attributes associated with videos. 


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