Support your consumers using detailed activity tracking Support your consumers using detailed activity tracking

Support your consumers using detailed activity tracking

For articles regarding our native analytics offering, please refer to Analytics 3

Analytics 1.0 and Advanced Analytics are now EOL.  Please refer to this announcement for more information: Introducing Zype Analytics 3

Zype provides you with the capabilities of managing your consumers by tracking detailed activity. 

What activity is recorded?

Zype records the following:

  • New Consumers - someone that has recently signed up to watch content
  • Subscription type - if you have several subscriptions, the activity will show what subscription each consumer has signed up for
  • Subscription updated - records any change consumers make to their subscriptions 
  • Subscription Canceled - records if a consumer cancels their subscription
  • Consumer Details
    • ID 
    • Email
    • Name
    • Sex (if provided)
    • Birthday (if provided)
    • Stripe ID
    • Braintree ID
    • Recurly ID
    • Recent Logins 
    • Linked Devices 

Where do I find activity tracking?

Consumer Activity is found in the Analytics section of the Zype platform on the Activity Stream page.

Navigate to the left sidebar and select Analytics

When you click on the Analytics page, you'll see an overview of all types of analytics Zype tracks. On the right side of that page, you'll find the Activity Stream. There you'll see consumer activity (if there has been any). Scroll down and select View All Activity

Once on the Activity Stream page you'll find a complete list of activity recorded from your consumers. 

Activity Stream Layout

The activity stream contains columns with the following information:

  • Type of Activity (represented by an icon)
  • Activity Message
  • Time of Activity
  • Individual Consumer Analytics 

The message column also displays which e-commerce platform the consumer's payment was processed by. Learn more on what messages may appear and what they mean

What if my consumer forgets their password?

If the consumer forgets their password they can reset it by either using the "reset password" flow that is available on your site, or you could search for the consumer by email and reset it within the Zype platform. 

To search for the consumer for a password reset, navigate to the left sidebar. From there, click "Make Money". 

In the Make Money page, you'll see an overview of the various types of Monetization options available. On the right side of the page, you'll find an overview of Consumers, Transactions, and Subscriptions. 

Click "Consumers". On the Consumers page you'll have the ability to search for a consumer email to update. Once you find the consumer, click their email. This will take you to the Consumer Details page. There you'll find the password field. Once you have entered a password for the consumer, click "Save Details". 

*Note - if a consumer's password is manually reset through Zype, we strongly advise the consumer to reset the password once they gain access to their account.