Total Subscriptions Total Subscriptions

Total Subscriptions

The Total Subscriptions Report shows the total number of your active subscribers. To access the report, click its link on the Analytics dashboard.

The report shows a line chart of your total number of subscribers. Hover your mouse on a point in the chart to display the number of total active subscriptions for the corresponding date. It also includes the total number of subscribers, new subscribers, and the percentage change from the previously-tracked date.

By default, the date range is the last 30 days counting down from the time the report is generated. To change the date range, specify a different start and end date, then click Refresh. For example, to generate a report for the last 15 days, enter the date from 15 days ago as the start date, and the current date as the end date. 

To export the report in CSV format, click Export. You will then get an email containing a link to the exported .CSV file. Click the link to download the file.

At the top is a summary of the number of your total subscribers from the day before, the last week, the last 30 days, and the last 90 days. Thus, you will know at a glance the number of subscribers you have.

At the bottom, a table shows the dates, subscriptions, new subscriptions, and percent change, with the current date appearing first on the list. Click on the appropriate column name to sort the table by date, the total number of subscriptions, number of new subscriptions, and percent change.

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