Configuring a New Channel Configuring a New Channel

Configuring a New Channel

When configuring your channel, you must first set your channel title.


You can edit this at any time in the future by selecting the Edit Channel Configuration in the channel card on the All Channels view.


This view is also where a specific Start At or Stop At time for your channel is set. Setting a Start At time for your channel will allow you to set the desired start date and time for your channel to begin broadcasting. This date and time must be at least 30 minutes into the future, and this date must be entered for you to publish your channel. 

Setting a Stop At time for your channel will allow you to set a specified date and time for which your channel broadcast will end. This date and time must be at least 30 minutes into the future. This is particularly useful when wanting to stop broadcasting early. 

Once a channel is in an on-air state, you will also be able to stop a broadcasting channel at any time by selecting "Stop Channel". See also Channel States.


Before ending your broadcast, you'll also be prompted with a confirmation message to ensure you do not accidentally end a broadcast early.


You’ll be able to set a fallback slate using any of the videos in your library by selecting the dropdown and searching by title. The dropdown list will automatically appear in duration order, starting from the shortest duration and proceeding to the longest. 


A fallback slate must be set to ensure any gaps in programming are filled by default, however, if you choose not to set a fallback slate, your viewers will see the Zype-branded fallback slate for the duration of any program gaps. This slate can only be set within Playout 2.0’s UI and API, and cannot be set for your channel through the Zype CMS. 

To enable ads, you’ll also need to specify a "Default Ad Slate". Whichever video you select will act as the fallback if ad fill fails. If you do not set a "Default Ad Slate" then your viewers will also see the Zype-branded fallback slate for any ad fill gaps.

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Do note that you may select multiple ad slates too, so that your consumers can view a variety of slates when ads can't fill. 

Visit the article, Enabling a Video as Playout Ad or Playout Bumper in the Zype CMS, to learn how to ensure videos are available to select for both the "Fallback Slate" and "Default Ad Slate". 

To save all channel configuration settings, select Save. Any updates made will be applied instantly and automatically to your channel.


 After you have configured your channel settings, you'll want to enable destinations for distribution of your channel. Continue to Channel Destinations.