Facebook login allow users to create an account in the app using their Facebook Id.
You will need a Facebook Business Manager account to create a Facebook app that can use the Facebook Login feature. You can learn more about it here.
Step 1: Login to your Facebook Developer Account.
Step 2: On the Developer Console, go to "My Apps" and create a new App.
Step 3: For App type, select "Others" and click on Next.
Step 4: From the list, select "Consumer" and click on Next.
Step 5: Provide an App Name (This can be same as your Apps Creator App name), your contact email and select a business manager account. Now click on "Create App". As a security measure, you might be asked to login to Facebook again.
Step 6: On the App page, add the Facebook Login product to your app by clicking on Set Up.
Step 7: Now we will setup each platform. Select iOS from the menu.
Step 8: Select "Swift Package Manager" and click on Next.
Step 9: Add you Apps Creator iOS app's bundle Identifier and click Next. Bundle identifier can be found on you the Apple Platform page on Apps Creator. If you are cannot find you iOS Apps bundle Identifier, please reach out to appsupport@zype.com.
Step 10: Enable Single SignOn and click on Next.
Step 11: The next steps can be skipped and just click on Next to complete the iOS setup.
Step 12: Now let's configure our Android app. Select Android tab.
Step 13: Skip set up setup 1 and 2 by clicking on Next and move to setup step 3.
Step 14: Add you Android app Bundle ID under package name. Your Android app's bundle ID can be found under Android Platform page in Apps Creator. If you are cannot find you Android Apps bundle Identifier, please reach out to appsupport@zype.com.
Add "MainActivity" to the end of your Package Name for Default Activity Class Name, i.e. If your Package Name is com.tvod.combo2680, then Default Activity Class should be com.tvod.combo2680.MainActivity. Click Save and Continue to the next step.
Step 15: In the Next step, you will need to create a key hash for your Android App. The hash will be created using the same keystore that you supplied in the Android Platform form in Apps Creator. Follow the onscreen instructions to create a key hash using your original keystore. If you face any difficulty creating a key hash, please reach out to appsupport@zype.com.
Step 16: In next step enable Single Sign On and hit Next.
Step 17: Finish setup by clicking on Next in the other steps.
Step 18: We have now setup the iOS and Android apps to use the Facebook Login feature. Before the Apps Creator apps can use this feature, Facebook needs to verify you Facebook Business account. From the left Menu go to App Settings >> Basic.
Step 19: Add your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Link:
Step 20: Add your Data Protection Officer's details and save the form.
Step 21: Request Business verification. Before you can access user's Facebook information, Facebook will verify your business account. Click on Start Verification button to start the review process. Facebook can take upto two weeks to verify your account.
Step 22: Once your account is verified, shift your Facebook app into Live mode. This is a crucial step. Your Facebook app needs to be in Live mode for the Login feature to work in the Apps Creator apps.
Step 23: Grab the App ID from the top of the Screen. We will add this to Apps Creator soon.
Step 24: Now navigate to App Settings >> Advanced and grab the Client token from this screen. We will use this in Apps Creator, in next step.
Step 25: Open Apps Creator dashboard and navigate to Manage >> Social Integration and click on the "+" icon to add a new integration. From the list select Facebook and add the App ID and Client Token, and click on Save.
Congratulation! You have successfully created and linked a Facebook app to Apps Creator. Please note that the integration to work, your Facebook app should be in the Live status and your account should be verified.
If you face any difficulty in following the steps in this article, please feel free to reach out to appsupport@zype.com.