Adding "defineSeries" element to Rlaxx Feeds Adding "defineSeries" element to Rlaxx Feeds

Adding "defineSeries" element to Rlaxx Feeds

If you are distributing TV Series to Rlaxx, they may require that you add the "defineSeries" channel element to your feed. Rlaxx defines this element as below:

“If the channel is containing TV Series and episodes, then "defineSeries" defines the general information of a whole series. Every episode of a series will get sorted to this element via the seriesId.

You can add the "defineSeries" channel element to your feed through Zobjects. Follow the directions below to do so.


Step 1: Add the required Zobject type

Zobject type

  • Title: rlaxx_defineSeries (used by the rlaxx feed to signal that it should pull in the defineSeries element)

  • Custom Attributes Required:

    • Name: seriesId

    • Type: String

    • Show List: Visibletype-20211202-184528.jpg

Step 2: Add the object for the defineSeries element

Zobject requirements:

  • Title (used to populate seriesTitle in the element)

  • Description (used to populate seriesDescription in the element)

  • Seriesid (used to populate seriesId in the element)

  • Images (used to populate seriesThumbnail in the elementzobject-20211202-185046.jpg


Once this is configured, you will see the element added to your Rlaxx feed!

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