The Zype Player has different setting you can modify:
Age Gate
The Age Gate settings are used when you want to require your viewers to enter their Age before viewing the video.
You can enable the Age Gate for all videos or only the videos with Mature Content enabled.
Enabling Age Gate for all videos
To enable it for all videos, turn on the Require Age Gate toggle under site settings:
Enabling Age Gate for Mature Videos only
To enable the Age Gate for Mature Videos only, first, you must enable Mature Content for a Video under the details tab of your video.
Then you can enable Require Mature Content Age Gate in the Player Settings tab under site settings:
Social settings
Player Sharing
If you want to allow your videos to be shared you must turn Player Sharing Enabled on in site settings
With this configuration, your videos will now have a share icon in the top-right corner
When a user clicks on the share icon, they will be presented with various social media options.
Embed Code Sharing
If you want to let the viewers embed the video in other sites outside of the given social media options, you can turn Player embed code sharing enabled on in site settings.
With player embed code sharing enabled, the share icon on the video will display the embed code alongside the social media options. The viewer can simply copy and paste it wherever embed codes are allowed.
Google settings
Chromecast Support
If you want to enable Chromecast support for your videos you must turn Enable Chromecast on in site settings
Advanced settings
Theo Player
ABR Strategy
Zype’s player is configured with adaptive bitrate (ABR) technology, meaning it will render the optimal bitrate based on the viewer’s network stability.
Internet speed, connectivity, and bandwidth can all impact the ability to transmit these bits, or stream content, and the Zype player dynamically adjusts this transmission according to the viewer’s environment.
You can select the ABR strategy in the Player Settings tab under site settings:
Inside these settings, you can choose one of the three available options in the ABR Strategy section.
The three options we currently support are:
Bandwidth: This is the default strategy that will be employed if no other strategy is set. The player will optimize ABR behavior to focus on displaying the most optimal quality based on historic bandwidth data and knowledge of the network conditions. When no historic data is available, the player will use the performance strategy.
Performance: The player will optimize ABR behavior to focus on the performance of the player. This strategy initiates playback with the lowest quality suitable for the device which means faster start-up time.
Quality: The player will optimize ABR behavior to focus on displaying the best visual quality to the end-user. This strategy initiates playback with the highest bit rate suitable for the device.
Mixed content
By default, Theo player assumes that it cannot load HTTP URLs when inside an HTTPS page because of mixed content restrictions. Therefore, the player will automatically convert HTTP URLs to HTTPS before loading them.
If you want to disable this behavior, you must go to the player settings and turn on Allow Mixed Content in Player
When this option is turned on, Theo player may assume that mixed content is allowed on the current platform, and will not automatically convert HTTP URLs to HTTPS.
Continue watching in player
If you want Theo player to automatically select another video to play, you can turn on the Continue Watching in Player toggle in the Player Settings tab under site settings.
Web player referrer protection
If you want to enforce domain level protection (i.e: allowing only some approved domains to play your content) you must go to the player settings and turn Enable Web Player Referrer Protection on
Once you've done it, you'll see a new field below named Web Player Domain Whitelist which is the section where you have to specify the allowed domains to play your content. For instance: in the screenshot above the videos will only be played in, or
To enable the Jumpstart player, please reach out to Zype Support.
If you want to configure the Jumpstart brand name, you must go to the player settings to edit it
It's important to note that your videos won't be displayed using the Jumpstart player unless there's an active Player rule for Jumpstart with a higher weight than other rules matching your videos.